What has been the impact of the Bologna Process

on professional higher education and its institutions?

Budapest, 10 March 2010


In the framework of the Bologna Ministerial conference organised by the Austrian and Hungarian governments on 11-12 March 2010 in Vienna and Budapest, EURASHE in cooperation with ACA - Academic Cooperation Association will be holding a Convention of professional HE in Budapest, on 10 March 2010.
The event will be hosted by the Budapest Business School and has the support of the Hungarian Rectors Conference.
Ministerial conference, in Budapest - 11th March and in Vienna - 12th March


EURASHE's 10 Commitments
Commitments for the European Higher Education Area in 2020" stating our vision for the main priority areas identified in the Bologna Process, and the Strategies to realise them in the next decade.

Pesentations from the Budapest Convention

Sjur Bergan - Forum Facilitator

Andrejs Rauhvargers  - Stocktaking of the Bologna process

Henning Dettleff - Expectations from the labour market; employability of graduates
Ulrich Teichler - The social dimension of the Bologna process, employability of graduates and other outcomes based on
                           ACA research on mobility in the LLP/Bologna Process

Bjørn Stensaker - Institutional perspectives in governance and strategical approaches to the Bologna reform. QA in

                            the relation to stakeholders of professional HE.

Marc Vandewallet The Knowledge Triangle From a Flemish point of view

M Francowicz Input from EURASHE


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