EU-Asia Higher Education Platform (EAHEP)

Round Table: Regional Higher Education Cooperation in the Next Decade:

The Bologna Process and Europe-Asia dialogue

Brussels, 1-3 Jul 2009


Session 1: The Bologna process in light of global transition: The decade to come

Reflections on the past decade of Bologna, ambitions for the next: Lesley Wilson, European University Association/Bologna Follow-Up Group

Bologna and the Lisbon Strategy: Europe's modernisation agenda: Hélène Clark, European Commission, Directorate General Education and Culture

Break out session 1: Recognition and Mobility: From intra-regional to inter-regional

Introduction by chair: Andrejs Rauhvargers, Latvian Rectors Council

20 years of Erasmus mobility: Siegbert Wüttig, DAAD

A regional mobility scheme for Asia?: Takao Kamibeppu, Tokyo Jogakkan College

Break out session 2: New frontiers in quality assurance: Bridging national and regional frameworks

Introduction: Luc Weber

European QA and national reform: Norma Ryan, University College Cork

AUN-QA: Tan Kay Chuan, National University Singapore

Break out session 3: Degree structures and qualifications frameworks

Introduction: Stephen Adam

European and national QFs: Volker Gehmlich, Fachhochschule Osnabrück

The Malaysian QF: Sharifah Hapsah, University Kebangsaan Malaysia

Session 2: Regional perspectives on Asian higher education development

Lay Hwee Yeo, National University Singapore

Supachai Yavaprabhas, SEAMEO-RIHED

National perspectives in a regional context: Pakistan: Atta-ur-Rahman, FRS

Session 3: Reform under the Bologna process: successes and lessons learned

Gerard Madill, European University Association

Session 5: Asia-Europe research cooperation: linking research and higher education agendas

The ERA and the EHEA: Tadeusz Luty, Wroclaw University of Technology

Research collaboration in Asia: Morshidi Sirat, Universiti Sains Malaysia

Internationalisation of FP7: Philippe Vialatte, European Commission, DG Research

Capacity building in research collaboration: Intan Ahmad, Bandung Institute of Technology

Institutional collaboration: models and practice: James Browne, National University of Galway

Session 6: Prospects for enhanced EU-Asia cooperation and dialogue

Nanatana Gajaseni, Asean University Network

Eva Akesson, University of Lund

Event summery: Stephen Adam, Higher education consultant



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